Top 3 Conversion Tracking Methods for Affiliate Programs

Jynny Yang
3 Ways to Track Conversions

Imagine you‘re playing a game where you can‘t see the score. That‘s what it‘s like running ads or posting affiliate links without tracking what happens after. Conversion tracking is like the scoreboard that shows how well you’re playing the game, telling you when someone makes a purchase or signs up because they clicked on your link. It’s not just about counting clicks; it’s about knowing which clicks turn into cash.

What’s Conversion Tracking?

In simple terms, conversion tracking is a way to see the actions people take after clicking on your ads or affiliate links. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at whether those clicks turn into sales, sign-ups, or any goal you’re aiming for. This info is golden because it helps you focus on the stuff that’s actually bringing in results.

The Top 3 Ways to Track Conversions

Different strokes for different folks, right? Here are five ways affiliates can track those all-important conversions:

  1. Pixel/Script Tracking: Imagine a tiny spy on your website that sends you a secret signal every time someone buys something. That’s pixel tracking. It’s a favorite because it’s pretty straightforward and can track loads of different actions.
  2. Postback URL (S2S) Tracking: This is like pixel tracking’s more private cousin. It keeps things between servers, making it a solid choice if you’re really into keeping data secure and private.
  3. API Tracking: It allows for the automatic exchange of data in real time, enabling you to update and analyze your campaign’s performance swiftly. It’s especially useful for managing large-scale campaigns across multiple platforms, as it helps synchronize your ad spend and revenue data directly with your analytics dashboard, ensuring you have the most current insights.

How to Pick What Works for You

Choosing the right way to track your affiliate links is kind of like picking the right tool for a job. You don’t want something too complex if you’re just starting or something too simple if you’re ready to dive deep. Here’s a straightforward guide with a few questions to think about. It’s like deciding what to eat for dinner – you want to make sure it fits what you’re craving and what you can cook!

Table Of Contents

Checklist for Choosing Your Conversion Tracking Method

  • Am I the type who loves figuring out new gadgets, or do I keep things basic on purpose?
  • Am I looking to see every single click, or just want to know when a sale happens?
  • How much do I worry about keeping things private, for me and the people clicking on my links?
  • Can I easily use this with my website and emails, or is it going to be a headache?
  • Do I need updates all the time, or am I okay checking in now and then?
  • If things change next year, like new rules or tech, will my tracking still work?
  • Thinking about what I’ll put in (like time or money), does it seem like I’ll get enough out of it?
  • If I’m stuck, is there an easy way to get help or find answers?

Tools to Help with Tracking

We have been around the block a few times with different tools for our affiliate campaigns. But, honestly, RedTrack? It’s a bit of a favorite for us, and here’s why.

  1. All Campaigns in One Spot: Whether we’re dealing with redirects, pop-ups, or complex multi-step funnels, RedTrack handles it all. It doesn’t matter if we’re running 10k a month or pushing 100M a day; everything’s neatly organized in one place.
  2. 5-min API Cost Updates: Keeping up with ad spend across all major networks, right down to the ad level, is a breeze thanks to RedTrack’s 5-minute updates. And the best part? It’s all for a fixed fee, so there are no surprises.
  3. ROI Tracking Down to the Ad Level: With pre-built APIs, updating ad spending and revenue is seamless. This means we can effortlessly track our ROI, making sure every dollar counts.

At BizzOffers, we’re all about what works. And RedTrack? It works. It’s not just another tool. It’s the bedrock of how we run our affiliate stuff. It makes everything clearer, simpler, and just plain better.

The level of support and resources available to you:

  • Guides: Their Help Center and Blog are stocked with easy-to-follow guides, covering everything from basic setup to mastering advanced features.
  • Community Forum: The RedTrack Forum is bustling with marketers and RedTrack specialists, all ready to share advice, answer questions, and help troubleshoot.
  • Social Media Insights: Keep up with the latest in tracking on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. RedTrack shares valuable insights in a way that’s easy to understand, helping you stay ahead of the curve.

Good conversion tracking can seriously up your affiliate marketing game. It shows you where to put your time and money, so you’re not just shooting in the dark. And with tools and methods tailored for all skill levels and needs, there’s no reason not to get on board.


What’s the easiest way to start with conversion tracking?

Start with pixel tracking for its simplicity and ease of implementation.

Can I use multiple tracking methods?

Yes, using multiple methods can provide a more comprehensive view of your campaign performance.

How does RedTrack handle cookieless tracking?

RedTrack adapts to privacy changes by offering advanced tracking solutions that respect user consent and privacy regulations, ensuring reliable data collection in a cookieless future.

Jynny Yang is a seasoned author in the affiliate marketing niche, blending her expertise in digital strategies with a passion for empowering businesses. Her insightful writings unravel the complexities of affiliate marketing, guiding readers toward successful online ventures.

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